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Valja Stýblová - Infidelity (Nevěra)

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Valja Stýblová-Nevěra

Nevěra was written by Valja Stýblová.She write novels,short stories and medicine stories as Skalpel,prosím or Zlaté rybky,etc.

Nevěra is a story about Jindra and Štěpán.They are married but they have a problem.Štěpán works in a firm and must go to working way.Jindra is a housewife and cares about their son.Jindra thinks that Štěpán doesn´t love her and he loves Vandu.She works in the firm as Štěpán.Štěpán loves Vandu indeed.Štěpán had love affair with Vanda when they were on a working way.

Jindra spies(sledovat) Štěpán on the airport and she is sures(jistá) that is Štěpán unfaithful.She doesn´t know what to do.She goes home.Her son goes to shop while she was on the airport.When the son sees his mother,he runs towards her.Car runs him down..Doctors must amputate his leg.Štěpán arrives home.He ascertains(zjistit) that he loves only Jindru.